  • Arrival Date 22 Feb, 2025Saturday
  • Departure Date 23 Feb, 2025Sunday
  • Adults AdultsPax
  • Reserve


Located in the center of Suao Township, Yilan, the Resort is 650 meters away from Suao Railway Station, 20-minutes-drive to Luodong Transfer Station, and 65-minutes-drive to Taipei Songshan Airport. Besides self-driving, travelers can take the Taipei-Suao direct bus, which takes about 75 minutes to the Resort. It is also convenient to Luodong Transfer Staiton and transferring by resort’s free shuttle.

Luodong Transfer Station→RSL Resort Suao

  • Resort→Luodong Transfer Station
    Depature at RSL Resort Suao to Luodong Transfer Station on 13:30 pm. daily. 
  • Luodong Transfer Station→Resort
    Daily shuttle service at 14:30 from Luodong Transfer Station.
    Passengers wishing to board are requested to wait at the “Temporary Pick-up/Drop-off Zone” on the north side of the station (located on Chuanyi Road Section 2).

    Daily shuttle service at 14:40 from Luodong Train Station (Rear Station).
    Passengers wishing to board are requested to wait at the “Rear Station Exit” of Luodong Train Station.

    *Free Service for resort guests. Please book before 12:00 AM, and we have limitation for 12 seats.*

RSL Resort Suao⇔Suao Train Station / Su'aoxin Station

  • Resort→Train Station (Suao/Su'aoxin)
    Departure Time:Daily 11:00、12:30、13:30、16:30、17:30、18:30
  • Train Station (Suao/Su'aoxin)→Resrot
    Departure Time:Daily 11:40、12:45、14:10、17:00、18:00、19:10


1. The shutter service is free for in-house guest, please reserve in advance.
2. If guests need special pick-up service, please contact Service Center (+886-3-9966666)